Dental Junior

Simple procedure

The procedure of removing the baby tooth is simple. You fill out a form to receive a kit and then arrange the date of removal with a donor center. Then you take your kit to the donor center and they take care of everything. After the removal you call us and we send a courier is sent to take the kit. Then you wait for confirmation and the certificate of successful banking.



You apply through a form and send us a signed copy of the contract. After we receive a payment of 350€ we send you the collection kit.
Start here >


Receiving the kit

After receiving the kit, store it at room temperature away from sunlight. When stored properly, it can wait for the removal date.


Loose tooth

When the baby tooth becomes loose, contact your dentist (from the list of donor centers) immediately and arrange the removal date.
List of donor centers >


Painless removal

All of our dentists are licensed and qualified and make sure that the removal is painless. A numbing substance is applied to the gums and the tooth is removed quickly.


Blood sample

After the removal of the baby teeth, the child gives a blood sample that is later tested for contagious diseases in a laboratory.



Our courier immediately delivers the tooth to a laboratory where the dental pulp is prepared for cryopreservation and cryopreserved.


Delivery to the laboratory and cryopreservation

Our courier immediately delivers the tooth to a laboratory where the dental pulp is prepared for cryopreservation and cryopreserved.

Kako poteka odvzem zobka?

Za odvzem zobka sodelujemo z najboljšimi slovenskimi zobozdravniki, ki imajo veliko izkušenj z mlečnimi zobki. Postopek odvzema je v primeru mlečnih zobkov skoraj neboleč.


Lokalna anestezija

Področje okoli zoba se premaže z anestetičnim gelom. Po omrtvičenju sluznice se neboleče vbrizga še lokalni anestetik.


Odvzem zoba

Zob in okoliška dlesen je sedaj neobčutljiva. V primeru mlečnega zobka odstranitev traja le kratek čas, saj je zob navadno že majav.


Shranjevanje zoba za transport

Zob se takoj vstavi v ohranitveni medij, in je tako pripravljen na prevzem in prevoz do laboratorija.

Se dobimo na kavi?

Vse, ki bi o shranjevanju mlečnih zobkov in matičnih celicah želeli izvedeti več, ter bi se radi poleg tega prepričali, kje so shranjene neprecenljive celice vašega otroka, vabimo, da se oglasite pri nas v Biobanki na brezplačnem osebnem svetovanju. Na vaša vprašanja bomo odgovarjali vsak delavnik po predhodnem naročilu.

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