1,000,000 stem cells treatments, especially in the field of transplant medicine, have been done worldwide since 1957. Today, stem cells provide successful treatment for almost 100 various diseases. Stem cells are extremely potent in the field of regenerative medicine which focuses on repairing or replacing damaged tissue and organs and promise immense medical advancements in your child’s lifetime.
Graph: According to the Americal National Blood Transfusion Institute – younger than 18 years
Stem cells can evolve into any form of blood cells, which enables treatment of almost 100 various diseases – mostly in the area of blood cancer and immune system disorders. Approximately 100 stem cell transplants are carried out yearly in Slovenia, 70% of those include the patient’s own stem cells. Today we can treat the following diseases:
The quality of stem cells in our bodies unfortunately declines over the years. That’s why it is important to preserve them when we are younger and healthier. With the new method of extracting mesenchymal stem cells from baby teeth we offer stem call banking for parents that have missed that opportunity at the birth of your child.
By banking these valuable stem cells you insure your child’s future.
These stem cells provide a 100% genetic match – there is no possibility of rejection during treatment.
Preserving the baby tooth is an elegant and completely safe method of extracting the stem cells. The removal process is fast and simple.
Stem cells are extremely potent in the field of regenerative medicine which focuses on repairing or replacing damaged tissue and organs and promise immense medical advancements in your child’s lifetime. There are currently over 5,200 registered clinical trials in the area of treating the most severe diseases:
Shranjevanje v družinski banki omogoča shranjevanje matičnih celic za potrebe izključno vaših otrok. V primeru potrebe zdravljenja bolezni, so na voljo za takojšnjo dostavo v katerokoli zdravstveno ustanovo po svetu. Zaradi 100% genetskega ujemanja ni bojazni za zavrnitveno reakcijo, kar je glavna slabost zdravljenja z darovanimi matičnimi celicami.
If the need for treatment arises, we deliver the stem cells in 24 hours to any clinic in Slovenia, and in 48 hours to any clinic in the EU.
These stem cells provide a 100% genetic match – there is no possibility of rejection during treatment.
The cells are usable for sibling treatment as well, but individual banking of each child’s stem cells is recommended, since there is a 25% chance of a complete match.
Cells are cryopreserved in extremely low temperatures (under -156°C) and are ready for treatment for an unlimited period of time.
Baby teeth preservation is an amazing opportunity for parents that wish to save their child’s valuable stem cells and thus provide him or her with a better future. This is also a great opportunity for all of those who had not had the chance to save cord blood or cord tissue. Preserve your child’s baby tooth because it is the most elegant and painless opportunity to save valuable stem cells that your child will never have again.